What Great Boarding Schools Have in Common

Every day at LCS, we look for those things that inspire and energize us, teachers and students alike. The more we share and collaborate, the more motivated we become and the more we learn – together. We often describe the process as “learning through relationships,” a keystone to developing and strengthening habits of lifelong learning.

Head of Lakefield College School Struan Robertson chats with LCS students in the hallway
My favourite part of the day – catching up with our students in the hallway.

I recently came upon an article, written by two leaders in the private education sphere, highlighting the qualities and priorities that boarding schools like LCS, “built to last,” tend to share: 25 Factors Great Boarding Schools Have in Common. In it, the authors write:

“Great boarding schools persist over time because they appeal to families seeking an education of deep impact, focused not only on academic training, but also on the formation of good character, habits of lifelong learning, and active citizenship.”

The article lists so many qualities that resonate with the richness of learning experienced at LCS. Among others, ideas around experiential learning, building resilience through challenge, andgraduating students who are both ‘good and smart,’” are themes often discussed at our school.

As such, 25 Factors Great Boarding Schools Have in Common  provides an interesting basis for our own self-reflection as a school. Last week, I shared the article with the school’s Leadership Team asking them to identify the top 3 strengths and top 3 weaknesses for LCS. The results were very interesting. In the coming week, I will share the same questions with our faculty and school board. I believe it will be a great exercise – rich with insights and perspectives of our various members – that will continue to feed our processes as we improve and seek to fulfil our goal of being “Canada’s finest boarding school, preparing students best for life in the 21st century.”   ~ Our Way | More Intentionally Lakefield

I encourage you to read the article and determine for yourself the qualities you most value in a great boarding school education. I also hope that you will continue to follow LCS Learns, where we will share the stories of our students and staff, and that which inspires and motivates them.