The Best Fit Education Blog was created to provide advice and guidance to students and their parents considering an independent school education. At Lakefield College School, ‘fit’ is important. Every school has its own personality. That we have been described as “your favourite warm, comfortable sweater,…Canadian through and through…” isn’t a coincidence.
Fit is as important to day students applying to a school with a boarding community as it is to those considering studying away from home. At LCS, boarding students come from both urban and rural Canada, and from countries around the globe. A large portion of LCS boarders are the children of Canadian expatriates looking for a quality Canadian education experience not available where their parents live or work. Those who live only a few hours away, believe a boarding school prepares students best for university and life after high school.
Whether you are considering Lakefield College School or another school, my hope is that this blog will give you pause for thought and help you choose the best fit school for you as a student or as a parent.
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