I am in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and LCS had a table at the TABS boarding school fair last night. A mother who had recently visited another school fair that did not specialize in boarding schools like TABS does, told me of meeting 'private' boarding schools that were only $30,000 compared to our approximate $55,000 tuition and boarding fee. Why were we so expensive? After beginning to extol the virtues of 'independent' schools in Canada and the difference between "for profit/private" and "not for profit/independent" schools the woman began to answer the question herself by telling me of her son's impressions. He wasn't impressed with the $30,000 'private' schools he met. She said he was a top student in his International School, from his maturity and astute deductions, I would agree with her. He found that the 'private' schools did not have any entry requirements, nor did they need…
Tag: Student
Admission – The Movie
I spend quite a bit of time on flights travelling across Canada and around the world to meet our future boarding students. I am usually catching up on reading, trying to adjust for jet lag by sleeping or getting caught up on movies. I love movies. One I had wanted to see when it came out was "Admission" with Tina Fey and Paul Rudd. The film revolves around a Princeton University Admission Officer played by Fey's character. Rudd plays the director of an alternative school and has a student with an unconventional background he thinks Princeton and Fey's character should consider. Admission is a film I could identify with after sixteen years in admissions myself and its content could certainly prompt several blog posts. "The secret to getting in", "the Admission process", "parent hopes and dreams leading to over-programming their child's lives" are but a few. Another is how callus…