What I Wish My School Knew

By Sofiia Onopriienko Thinking back on the end of the school year, I am writing this letter inspired by the way my school, Lakefield College School, creates not just the learning space but the atmosphere of a united community, regardless of how many miles away we are from each other. I also want to share how much studying remotely has helped me, not only during the spring, but back in December, when I was away for over a month while trying to combine my passion and my education, and do my absolute best in both fields. This letter is an expression of my gratitude. I want you to know that studying online is not a burden for us, the students. I see it rather as a gift to those of us who are provided additional time to devote to our passions, and for those of us who feel discomfort, as it is truly an opportunity for growth. There have been…

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A New School Schedule that Promotes Well-Being and Engagement

By Dean Van Doleweerd Assistant Head: Academics As we work to finalize a new schedule for Lakefield College School for 2020/21, there are a number of important changes we will make to ensure we have a design which places our students at its centre. A student-centred learning schedule must help deliver the learning outcomes outlined in our strategic plan by maximizing engaged learning time, facilitating student well-being, adding flexibility and choice, and providing more opportunities for authentic learning.  One important change in accomplishing these goals is to reduce the number of subjects being studied at any one time. Currently, our students rotate their study among up to eight courses at once; the new schedule will see that number significantly reduced. Coupled with the reduced number of subjects being studied at one time is the general lengthening of class periods from 70 minutes to 90-95 minute sessions.   Why make these changes? No academic schedule…

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Teacher Appreciation Week – A Teacher’s Perspective

By  Mike Arsenault: May 6, All Staff Meeting Address Since it’s Teacher Appreciation Week, I think it’s important for us to establish the size of the tent under which we do or do not stand in order to give and receive the appreciation being offered. I don’t think it is too bold to say that “Every time we touch the lives of our students—we teach them.” After all, “teaching” is simply another word for the ancient and elemental bond that exists between the elders of the tribe and the younger members. If you are in this all-staff meeting you’re an elder. Sorry, twenty-somethings. If you come into contact with any of our students you are teaching them, even through the briefest of encounters. What each of us does—matters — because we are all connected. So, in my view the tent is big and we stand under it together. Mrs.Kee makes this claim,…

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