What is the single greatest determinant of student success?
More impactful than any child’s economic background or individual learning potential, teachers are widely recognized as the key factor affecting educational quality. In study after study, passionate, engaged and enthusiastic teachers have been cited as the driving force behind student success and achievement.
The most effective teachers go the extra mile, with advanced knowledge of academic subject matter, a caring attitude, a love of learning and a real desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. They inspire greatness in their students by being both expert classroom managers and excellent role models. They see their profession as a vocation, not just a job.
With a special mix of skill and commitment, many of these teachers choose to work in the independent boarding school setting. Students at Lakefield College School (LCS) are taught daily by these talented professionals at the cutting-edge of their craft. So what is it about boarding school that attracts top teachers?
Here are three of the most common reasons:
1. Private Boarding School is a Meeting Place for Those Passionate about Learning
Boarding school teachers not only work in the school, but often also live on or near campus grounds and participate in programming that extends well into the evenings and weekends. This means these careers offer professional educators the chance to be part of a close-knit community. Sharing everything from meals to concerts and competitions forges a sense of trust and mutual respect, fostering a strong connection between staff and students. This makes it easier for teachers to provide students with consistent support.
“It’s really opened my eyes to how important it is that students, especially in younger grades, be able to connect to their teachers,” says Tim Rollwagen of teaching and the Lakefield Educators Apprentice Program (LEAP) in LCS’ community. “I’ve found it very motivating for my own teaching.”
“We have a bond with teachers that no other school has,” agrees Allie Avard, a student at LCS. She says it’s the close contact with staff members that makes the difference, and believes that boarding school has connected her with “the best teachers I’ve ever known.”
2. Teachers Have Access to Enriching Professional Development Resources at Boarding School
Because excellence is expected of the students at independent boarding schools, excellence is also expected of the staff. Teachers know that independent schools are more likely to have the flexibility to offer them the professional development and support resources they need to sustain this level of teaching expertise.
For example, LCS offers the Lakefield Educator’s Apprenticeship Program (LEAP), which brings in promising new teaching college grads to work alongside and learn from Lakefield’s experienced staff. This system benefits both new and experienced teachers, along with the students who access additional educational support with more than one teacher in the classroom.
“I think it gets us to be that 21st century teaching environment,” says Rollwagen. “We can give each other feedback and make the lessons better… I just love the back and forth.”
Along with opportunities for career growth, teachers enjoy the benefits of their connection to a caring, community that extends well beyond the classroom. This helps to support our committed teachers, who can better support our high academic achievers in turn.
3. Teachers Know Boarding Schools Offer First-Rate Facilities
At boarding schools, students access the highest quality of learning resources available, both in and outside the classroom. From musical instruments to recreational facilities to technology labs and beyond, independent school boarders and day students can access it all.
Since teachers are an integral part of this community, they also have access to state-of-the-art spaces and services. At LCS for example, all staff and students are encouraged to participate fully in the life of the school by enjoying the beautiful lakeside grounds and facilities.
For reasons mentioned above, and many more, today’s top teachers know that boarding schools are the place to be.
Would you like to connect your child with exceptional teaching staff dedicated to bringing out the individual potential of each student?
Visit LCS to learn more about one of the best boarding schools in Canada!