“We believe teaching respect for the Earth and respect for people go hand-in-hand. Our campus ecosystems and programs inspire us to be committed to environmental responsibility.” ~ LCS Environmental Responsibility Value
We are often reminded of the countless benefits of spending time outdoors during special days of recognition, like Take Me Outside Day and Earth Day. Not only is spending time outdoors fun, it has many benefits to our physical and mental health. Research has shown that spending time in nature can enhance mood, reduce stress, and promote wellbeing. In a 2015 study about the benefits of connecting with nature and its application as a wellbeing intervention, researchers found that “connecting with nature is a promising path to flourishing in life” (Capaldi, Passmore, Nisbet, Zelenski, & Dopko, 2015, p. 9).
This research has been substantiated in many studies, including those of Doctor of Psychology, Lisa Nisbet from Trent University. Dr. Nisbet studies wellbeing and nature and has a partnership with LCS. In a 2016 article, Dr. Nisbet said, “Our research shows that connection with nature is associated with greater wellbeing. The more somebody feels a connection with the natural world, the more that person will report having a greater sense of happiness—more positive (and fewer negative) emotions, a greater sense of vitality, as well as more satisfaction with life.”
We also believe these experiences help set students up to better focus on their academics, as our Head of School often reminds them, “We are a school and your primary job is to learn.”

This is why we prioritize outdoor learning opportunities year-round. In fact, one of our new initiatives is focussed on creating outdoor experiences at our Northcote Campus for each co-curricular team to enjoy together. Throughout the fall season, each of our teams had the opportunity to visit Northcote, learn about the regenerative projects we have been working on, and contribute to some of these tasks themselves. From harvesting vegetables and seeding lavender to painting our chicken coop, and building tables, there are so many ventures our students will have a hand in completing. Northcote is a true community project and we love to see our students make connections with and to their learning, nature and the outdoors.
As former LCS Headmaster Alexander Mackenzie (1895-1938) was known for saying: “There’s always something worthwhile doing outside!”…and that means in any weather!